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Space Coast Parrot Head Club

The Space Coast Parrot Head Club is an organization for people interested in Jimmy Buffett's music and tropical spirit. WE are 'the people your parents warned you about'. The Club's purpose is to assist in community outreach programs and to provide members with a means of social interaction (spell the PHun!!!).


We want to leave Brevard County a 'little better than we PHound it' through community service and PHun! While we certainly enjoy the lifestyle Jimmy sings about, we also take to heart his desire that all chartered clubs provide community service and charitable work.

We currently support the Alzheimer's Association, the National Kidney Foundation Surf Fest, the Keep Brevard Beautiful "Adopt a Beach", the Brevard Sharing Center, the Women's Center, Joe's Club, Brevard County Schools, Friends of Children of Brevard, The Haven for Children, and many others... check the Community Service page for all we are helping.

We are recognized by the IRS as an IRC 501(c)(7) Tax Exempt Organization.

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Rules of the PHlock

Why does a Parrot Head Club need rules? Well, while we like to think of ourselves as laid back individuals who just want to gather to have PHun, when the truth be known, we're human. Sometimes, humans make mistakes, and once we try to live on our own 'island of paradise'. and we invite others to join us in that 'one particular harbor', it becomes necessary to have SOME rules in place to make sure we all live in harmony and PHollow the guidelines setforth by Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Therefore, our Council of PHeathers gathered and discussed how we could best meet the needs of our PHlock. We developed and approved these guidelines in March of 2008.

Click HERE to become familiar with our Official Space Coast Parrot Head Club Bylaws.

Things ALL Space Coast Parrot Head Club PHlockers Need To Know

PHins up PHolks.  Remember, we are in this for the PHun. Whether at a Club Event, using the e-mail system, or visiting our web site, please DO NOT solicit members for personal business or ideological gain. Our PHlockers do not want to receive your e-mail pleas for good luck, your jokes, or your business deal. We don't want to buy your car, the stuff you sell, or support your keet's schoo project.

A note from PHIP, Inc.

The PHIP 7 Deadly Sins
  1. Merchandising I: "What's in a name?" Plenty!! And Jimmy is proud of his. Thou shall not use Jimmy's name, Margaritaville, or any of Jimmy's trademarks for sale of merchandise, except to members of PHIP sanctioned chapters only.

  2. Remain Incommunicado: Thou shall not contact HK Management, The Howard Rose Agency or Margaritaville Holdings, Inc. regarding Jimmy Buffett tickets or solicitation of merchandise donations.

  3. Coveting: Thou shall not tread on another club's territory without contacting the club, in advance, with a proposal to host a joint "party with a purpose".

  4. Incident or Accident: Thou shall not sell PHIP Club concert tickets to non-club members.

  5. Sneaky: Thou shall not be sneaky and pad the club roster or falsify club records to PHIP.

  6. Merchandising II:Thou shall not use the trademarked PHIP logo for ANY purpose, except where specified.

  7. Troublemaker: Do not be a troublemaker.

The PHC Golden Rule

Respect your membership, your fellow officers and board members, your PHC neighbors and treat everyone as you expect you and yours to be treated.

Growing Older But Not Up - Jimmy Buffett
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